Our Publications
Argañaraz Gomez, M. (2020). Transnational Testimonios: The Politics of Collective Knowledge Production by Patricia DeRocher [Review of the book Transnational Testimonios: The Politics of Collective Knowledge Production, by P. DeRocher]. Journal of Latin American Geography, 19(4), 242–244. https://doi.org/10.1353/lag.2020.0041
Argañaraz Gomez, M. (2024). Research, power, and care: Limitations to collaborative research with children and youth. The Professional Geographer. https://doi.org/10.1080/00330124.xxxxxx [DOI placeholder; verify DOI from publisher]
Argañaraz Gomez, M. (2022). Border thinking: Latinx youth decolonizing citizenship [Review of the book Latinx Youth Decolonizing Citizenship, by A. Author]. Gender, Place & Culture. https://doi.org/10.xxxxxx [DOI placeholder; verify DOI from publisher]